
Postgraduate Program


The biological world is full of natural wonders beginning from microscopic bacteria to multicellular organisms. Using a reductionist approach, each organism can be broken down into its subsystems, which continue to provide us with new knowledge on how evolution has perfected these systems over millennia. Conversely, one can also take a systems biology approach and appreciate the whole organism as a system that grows and continuously adapts to the environment. Beginning from thermodynamically efficient cellular systems to the molecular motors of the flagellar motor, each product of evolution is an optimized engineering design that can be translated into real-life applications across disciplines. Furthermore, the call for support from today’s data-driven biology has been answered by advancements in computational biology that permit solving biology problems using artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches. Genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics have transformed the landscape of infectious and non-infectious diseases allowing the development of new diagnostic measures as well as therapeutics. In combination with active contribution from Electronic, Mechanical, Materials engineering, implantable sensor, and support devices that are biocompatible have significantly contributed to extending the healthy lifespan of the human race. The Department of Bioscience & Bioengineering aspires to cater to the technological requirements of the country by conducting high-quality, translatable, and interdisciplinary research in the aforementioned focus areas.

Objectives of the program

To produce professionals with an in-depth knowledge of biological systems and phenomena, with critical thinking and bioengineering research skills that can be effectively put to use in solving problems in focus domains including Healthcare, Energy, Environment, and Agriculture. The program will help graduates to approach problems in the above focus domains by providing knowledge and hands-on laboratory training in the areas of data-driven multi-omics technologies, artificial intelligence & computational biology, systems biology, imaging-based diagnostics, biomaterials, and bio-therapeutics.

Expected graduate attributes

Graduates will

  1. Be able to think critically and solve problems that are necessary for employment in biomedical, biotechnology, pharmaceutical industries, National research labs, and Academic institutions at the global level.
  2. Develop a sense of ownership on the National missions for technology development, which will cater to societal needs such as affordable healthcare, clean energy, safe environment, and sustainable agriculture.
  3. Be exceptionally well trained in the laboratory enabling them to conduct high-quality, reproducible research.
  4. Be able to read, understand, and review intellectual property documents and recognize their rights.
  5. Be able to express their research ideas and present their data clearly in written and spoken format.
  6. Develop a strong work ethic and understand ethical considerations in biological research, which are both necessary for high-quality research.
  7. Develop healthy time management skills to plan and manage laboratory work as well as other miscellaneous research-associated demands on their time to effectively meet deadlines.

Learning outcomes

Graduates will

  1. Be introduced to cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research areas like Diagnostics & Therapeutics development, Instrumentation design & Development, Multi-omics Technologies & Applications, Biomedical Imaging& Image processing, Systems & Synthetic Biology, and Biomaterials Engineering, Artificial Intelligence for biological applications
  2. Be exposed to common problems that are prevalent in the domains of affordable healthcare, clean energy, safe environment, and sustainable agriculture, allowing them to innovate and develop technological solutions for the same.
  3. Receive effective, hands-on laboratory training as a part of laboratory courses and short-term research projects that are designed to teach research methodology and common lab techniques.
  4. Be introduced to Patents and other intellectual property documents, the rights that they grant, and necessary considerations while filing patents/technology that is protected by patents.
  5. Develop their research communication skills by participating in seminars, journal clubs; manuscript writing, and research grant writing workshops.
  6. Receive training on building a work ethic by being a part of research groups working towards a common goal. Graduates will also appreciate the ethical and safety considerations while conducting biomedical research.
  7. Be taught how to prioritize items on their schedule and how to budget time across the spectrum of activities including research and other necessary tasks.