
Welcome to the Department of Bioscience & Bioengineering

The Department of Bioscience & Bioengineering at IIT Jodhpur, established in 2009 offers a B.Tech. program in Bioengineering, an M.Tech. and M.Tech-Ph.D. dual degree programs in Bioscience & Bioengineering. Our programs are uniquely designed to inspire innovations in biotechnology, engineering, and medicine from an understanding of  biological systems.  This capacity building is assuming importance in the present times for providing solutions to societal problems in trans-disciplinary frameworks. A major focus is on neurosciences and neurodegenerative disorders, mechanistic biology, environmental and medical microbiology, computational biology, precision health, and bioprospecting for novel molecules and bio-actives from natural resources of the Thar ecoregion.

Undergraduate Program

Every life form, beginning from microscopic bacteria to multicellular organisms, can be considered as a system that has been perfected over millennia by Evolution. Beginning from thermodynamically efficient cellular processes to the molecular motors driving the bacterial flagella.

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Postgraduate Program

The biological world is full of natural wonders beginning from microscopic bacteria to multicellular organisms. Using a reductionist approach, each organism can be broken down into its subsystems, which continue to provide us with new knowledge about how evolution has perfected.

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Doctoral Program

The doctoral program at the Department of Bioscience and Bioengineering (BSBE) permits students to undertake cutting edge research in the fields of Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience,  Bioimaging, Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, Microbial physiology, Genomics, Environmental Biotechnology.

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Dr. Mitali Mukerji, Head, Department of Bioscience & Bioengineering

Nature provides excellent laboratories for the evolution of biological intelligence, evident in the diversity of organisms with amazingly optimized engineering designs. Understanding the mechanistic basis of these design principles could accelerate discoveries, provide novel bioinspired engineering solutions, and propel disruptive biotechnological advancements. Today, the world over there is a major focus on developments of tools and technology platforms for understanding bio-design principles that also encompass the domains of data science and artificial intelligence. At the BSBE we aspire to provide state-of-the-art domain knowledge and training to understand biological systems, provide innovative Bio-Tech solutions for applications in medical and environmental engineering domains that include biofuels, diagnostics, therapeutics, smart healthcare devices.  The department is involved in major transdisciplinary flagship programs involved in drug discovery
