A special program in the name of Ishaan Vikaas, an initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, has been launched as a comprehensive plan to bring selected school girls and boys, from the North-Eastern states into close contact with the IITs and IISERs during their vacation periods with the objective of opening up the young minds and giving them a broad overview of the future paths which they would like to traverse. They should get a wider perspective on how they can take a much more proactive role in shaping their own future. At the same time, as a part of Ishaan Vikaas, an academic activity will take place to encourage internship for the engineering college students of North-Eastern states in various institutes of national importance.
From this year onwards, IIT Jodhpur is taking part in this Government’s mission and give whole-hearted support for the success of this Program. During this summer, about 30 school children, accompanied by two school teachers and 5 B.Tech. Students, accompanied by one Faculty Member will visit IIT Jodhpur for two weeks (30 June - 9 July 2015) and eight weeks, respectively. In this context, a tentative schedule has been prepared for the school children, while each visiting B.Tech. Student will be assigned a well-defined research problem under the mentorship, guidance and supervision of the Faculty Members of respective department.
More details will be posted shortly on this page.